

pp电子极速糖果, 科罗拉多州, 发起了一项全校范围内的倡议,名为“塑造未来”. 这一倡议将导致一个 战略计划 以及CMU在未来几年如何推进大学使命的路线图.

的 announcement of the effort included around 400 CMU 教师 and staff who attended the kickoff meeting to discuss first principles — the values that will guide the planning effort during the next year.

In 2021, CMU校长约翰·马歇尔概述了他建立“人文尺度大学”的愿景. 的 human scale 愿景 was based on a campus that would serve as a microcosm of an ideal world — a world that CMU would like to see emerge in the future.

在启动活动中概述的原则之一是勇气. 为了说明这个值, 马歇尔通过播放CMU学生领袖杰森·亨特和他自己跳伞的视频发起了这次活动. 的 video was meant to emphasize the importance of gaining new perspective and having courage to take risk and do things differently for a better future.

“We understand creating a plan to form our future is no plan at all if the collaborative process doesn’t begin with a precise articulation of our values,马歇尔说. “的re is no value in a document that describes what we are going to do if the publication doesn’t explain why we are doing it. 这一倡议正引领CMU走上一条很少有人追随的道路,因为价值观不容易谈论. 但我们相信,价值观第一的规划方法是我们如何最好地推进CMU的使命.”

之后介绍了跳伞的体验, Marshall provided keynote remarks that outlined the 愿景 he and the CMU leadership team devised during a workshop that occurred earlier in the summer. Marshall’s keynote presentation included a web-based interactive survey that explored the proposed guiding principles. Having every person in attendance participate from the beginning of the interactive process was an important goal of the event. 与会者回答了一系列问题,探讨了以下基本原则:

  • 尊严
  • 勇气
  • 谦卑
  • 弹性
  • 好奇心
  • 权力

“的se principles are basic and fundamental by design and will guide how the campus community inclusively develops our Forming the Future Initiative and subsequent 战略计划,负责学术事务的副校长Cher Hendricks说, 博士学位. “高等教育有一种转向策略和偏好结果的趋势, 哪些对话也很重要. 但价值观是CMU的起点.”

马歇尔的讲话如下, 卡pp电子极速糖果的学生, 教师, 教职员工和校友演讲者分享了第一线原理如何影响他们生活的感人故事, 以及这些价值观现在如何带来好处,丰富了pp电子极速糖果和社区.

成人学生mathias在启动活动的舞台上发言Mathias Malumba是一名来自乌干达的成年学生,他谈到了爱的原则. His speech invoked powerful responses as he shared his story about growing up homeless on the streets of Kampala, 以及他的经历是如何帮助他来到CMU的.S. 公民, a first-generation college student and is in the third year of his educational journey moving towards a college degree. Malumba分享了他从意想不到的地方得到的爱如何打开了通往大学教育的大门.

每个人发言后, the campus community was prompted with a question about the principles and engaged in discussion around how the values could enrich and enhance the campus community.

教职员工讨论的最后一个原则是权力. CMU 校友 Association Board President Dusti Reimer shared her story about growing up in a home and community where she experienced abuse and neglect, 在那里,羞耻是她日常生活的一部分. She concluded that the power she acquired through education at CMU allowed her to empower herself in order to support other women who come from similar backgrounds or find themselves in similar situations.

学生安迪·泰勒在启动仪式的舞台上发言而所有演讲者的发言都引起了热烈的讨论, 当谈到唤起眼泪时,一位演讲者脱颖而出——学生安迪·史密斯. 他接着谈到了恢复力,并分享了他关于脑部手术的故事, 癌症, 失去和悲伤, 并以面对逆境时的坚持和韧性的振奋人心的信息结束.

Marshall and Hendricks both reinforced: more important than any data that might have resulted from the discussion is the value of the conversation itself. 的 two noted the process of engagement and discussion are paramount and believe speaking about values with one another orients the campus conversation and planning efforts moving forward.

每一桌的与会者都做了笔记, 利用便签纸和卡片提供观察和建议. Marshall is displaying the written feedback on the walls of the President Office’s conference room for the month of September and invites the campus and larger community to stop in and review the feedback on display. Hendricks is working to establish a permanent location on campus to house all feedback and data related to the initiative between now and the completion of the campus 战略计划.


“We want the initiative to have a physical home so that anyone on campus at anytime can review and track the project of our efforts to form the future of CMU,亨德里克斯说

的 CMU Board of Trustees also engaged in conversation about the proposed first principles and expressed support for the concept. Trustee David Foster said the outline was an “astonishing” approach in its aspiration and expressed support for continuing the conversation around CMU’s return to basic values that unite people.

使用指导原则, “塑造未来计划”将让学生和社区成员参与进来,进一步修订, 在关注一系列事件的同时,完善并可能扩展原则列表, occasions and workshops that will create an enhanced mission and 愿景 for the university that establish objectives, 行动计划和实施战略.

CMU selected the set of guiding first principles based on conversations from the campus leadership team and the Board of Trustees and will work with students to create a plan that can position CMU for the future.

在开球活动结束后,马歇尔反思道, “This is not an exclusive list of principles — we will explore other principles and adjust our approach as we learn about additional issues important to our community. 通过确定这些重要的原则, 我们相信人们可以更公开地参与进来, honestly and with more authenticity knowing some of life’s most basic human values are at work within the foundation of our process.”

“形成未来倡议”由一个指导委员会领导,该委员会由英语教授库尔特·哈斯(Kurt Haas)担任联合主席, 博士学位, who is the former vice president for academic affairs and also includes co-chairs Davis School of Business Department Head Carlos Baldo, 博士学位, 以及高级招聘专员Sharaya Cowen. 的 steering committee has engaged national higher education professionals Campus Works to help facilitate creating the overall 愿景 and strategy while the campus community continues to define and refine the underlying values. 该委员会, 哪一个向领导团队和理事会报告, 将监督负责编写任务报告的工作组和讲习班的进展情况, 愿景, 策略, 与战略计划相关的目标和行动计划. 委员会通过教师代表代表校园社区, 教职员工和学生,也将包括来自社区以外利益相关者的意见.

